Lexique / Glossaire
Outils de communication en ligne: Online communication tools are digital platforms or applications designed to facilitate interaction and exchange of information between individuals or groups over the internet. These tools enable real-time or asynchronous communication, allowing users to connect, share messages, documents, and multimedia content, and engage in discussions or collaborative activities without physical presence.
Outils de collaboration en ligne: Online collaboration tools refer to digital software and platforms that enable individuals or teams to work together, share resources, and complete tasks or projects over the internet. These tools often include features like file sharing, document editing, project management, and communication tools to streamline teamwork, even when participants are geographically dispersed.
Communication et collaboration en face à face: La communication et la collaboration en face à face désignent les interactions interpersonnelles qui se produisent dans un contexte physique, en personne. Dans la communication en face à face, les personnes s'engagent dans une conversation ou une discussion directe et sans intermédiaire, sans utiliser de moyens numériques ou électroniques.
Interface utilisateur: Une interface utilisateur (IU) est un point d'interaction entre un utilisateur et un appareil numérique ou une application logicielle. Elle englobe les éléments et la conception par lesquels les utilisateurs interagissent avec la technologie, y compris les interfaces graphiques, les interfaces de ligne de commande et les interfaces vocales ou tactiles. L'objectif principal d'une interface utilisateur est de fournir aux utilisateurs un moyen visuellement et fonctionnellement intuitif de contrôler et d'interagir avec le système ou le logiciel sous-jacent, afin de garantir une expérience positive à l'utilisateur.
- Boling, E. C., Holan, E., Horbatt, B., Hough, M., Jean-Louis, J., Khurana, C., Krinsky, H., & Spiezio, C. (2014). Using online tools for communication and collaboration: Understanding educators’ experiences in an online course. The Internet and Higher Education, 23, 48–55. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.iheduc.2014.07.002
- Carter, R. (2018, July 2). Collaboration vs Communication in a Digital World. UC Today. https://www.uctoday.com/collaboration/collaboration-vs-communication-in-a-digital-world/
- De Wachter, F. (2020). Tools om samen te werken (deel 1 communicatie tools). Digitale versnelling. https://www.digitaleversnelling.be/inspiratie/digitaal-advies/tools-om-samen-te-werken-deel-1-communicatie-tools
- European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Vuorikari, R., Kluzer, S., Punie, Y. (2022). DigComp 2.2, The Digital Competence framework for citizens : with new examples of knowledge, skills and attitudes, Publications Office of the European Union. https://data.europa.eu/doi/10.2760/115376
- Harrin, E. (2016). Collaboration Tools for Project Managers. Project Management Institute.
- Helen Margaret Donelan, Kear, K., & Ramage, M. (2010). Online communication and collaboration: a reader. Routledge, Cop.
- James, D. (2023). 7 document collaboration tools to revolutionize the way you work. Switchboard. https://www.switchboard.app/learn/document-collaboration#:~:text=Google%20Docs%20is%20a%20popular
- Kaplan, Z. (2022). What Are Collaboration Skills? Definition and Examples. Forage. https://www.theforage.com/blog/skills/collaboration-skills
- Kazmeyer, M. (n.d.). Dangers of Online Communication. Techwalla. https://www.techwalla.com/articles/dangers-of-online-communication
- Moore, J.A. (2018). Exploring Five Online Collaboration Tools to Facilitate a Professional Learning Community. TechTrends 62, 612–617 (2018). https://doi-org.ezproxy.elib11.ub.unimaas.nl/10.1007/s11528-018-0288-3
- Nguyen, M. H., Gruber, J., Marler, W., Hunsaker, A., Fuchs, J., & Hargittai, E. (2022). Staying connected while physically apart: Digital communication when face-to-face interactions are limited. New Media & Society, 24(9), 2046–2067. https://doi.org/10.1177/1461444820985442
- Spilka, R. (2010). Digital literacy for technical communication: 21st century theory and practice. Routledge.
- University of Portsmouth. (n.d.). Digital communication and collaboration. https://www.port.ac.uk/student-life/help-and-advice/study-skills/digital-skills/communication-and-collaboration
- WIL International Students (n.d.). Digital versus face-to-face communication. https://international-students.acen.edu.au/succeeding-in-your-wil-activity/communication-skills/digital-versus-face-to-face-communication/