Built-in help: A feature in many computer programs that help you to find answers to the most common problems on the program. They can be either in manual form or a link to the developer’s website.
Cache and cookies: The cache remembers some parts of the pages that you have visited, for example, images, and thus opens the page faster the next time you visit the page. Cookies save your browsing data on the pages that you visit which makes the pages function faster and better.
Digital transition: It is the adoption of digital processes to enhance functions at the workplace. It involves the use of new, faster and evolving digital technologies.
MOOC: A massive open online course. It is a free online course for distance learning to an unlimited number of participants. Usually it requires logging in to the site and is self-paced.
Searchable database: It is a collection of records or information that can be retrieved by using a certain criteria. An example of this would be to search a collection of books by the name of the author or subject.
- Cedefop (2022). Setting Europe on course for a human digital transition: new evidence from Cedefop’s second European skills and jobs survey.Publications Office. Cedefop reference series; No 123
- European Commission, Joint Research Centre. Bacigalupo M, Kampylis P, Punie Y and Van Den Brande L. (2016) EntreComp: The Entrepreneurship Competence Framework. Publications Office of the European Union.
- European Commission, Joint Research Centre. Sala, A., Punie, Y., Garkov, V. and Cabrera Giraldez, M. (2020) LifeComp: The European Framework for Personal, Social and Learning to Learn Key Competence. Publications Office of the European Union.
- European Commission, Joint Research Centre. Vuorikari, R., Kluzer, S. and Punie, Y. (2022) DigComp 2.2: The Digital Competence Framework for Citizens - With new examples of knowledge, skills and attitudes. Publications Office of the European Union.
Sources for solving technical issues:
- GCF Global. Computer basics: Basic Troubleshooting Techniques.
- Microsoft Support for Windows.
- Official Apple Support.
- TickTockTech . 12 Very Common Troubleshooting Computer Problems and DIY Solutions.