Home > Partners > IPRA / MEDEF
60, avenue Jean Mermoz
69373 Lyon Cedex 08 - 04 78 77 06 60
- contact@medef-aura.fr
Contact person:
Malgorzata Woch
European projects manager
IPRA is a French association, that operates for Mouvement des Entreprises de France Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, the leading regional network at the service of business and entrepreneurship. With 11 territorial and 28 professional branches, MEDEF AURA represents companies of all sizes and all activity sectors. Around 90% of companies are small or medium size, employing less than 50 employees.
The mission of the MEDEF Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes is:
- to develop the competitiveness and prosperity of local companies through innovation and professional upskilling;
- to implement support systems together with regional players that are in favour of employment, working with people with disabilities, promoting opportunities for professional and adult trainings, as well as the development of collaboration between educational centres/institutions and the professional world;
- to represent and defend companies’ interests in front of local, regional, national and European authorities;
- to contribute to the improvement of the economic environment;
- to apply MEDEF’s national policy, whilst promoting the regional companies, representing them, and responding to their expectations at the same time.
Visit our webage: https://medef-aura.fr/